1 Bottle
Why Greedy Pharmaceutical Companies Don’t Want You To Know About This Strange Anabolic Orange Juice That Stops Hidden “TLFs” Dead In Their Tracks First Thing In The Morning And Boosts Testosterone Levels 434%...
And helped men in one study get TWICE as strong… TWICE as jacked… and TWICE as lean as the rest of the male population by simply adding this 17-second morning ritual before their workout!
Behind closed doors— greedy pharmaceutical companies are secretly plotting to destroy the most important male hormone you have…
And if you think they haven’t gotten to you already…
You’re about to learn just how WRONG you are…
Because there’s a certain group of compounds called “Testosterone Lowering Factors” that have been deployed into your home… your food… your gym… and hundreds of other places…
That are like setting off an atomic bomb on your muscle-building hormones. And according to a disturbing study published in the Asian Journal of Andrology…
It’s pure evil what they’re doing to you…
And I’ll unpack the overwhelming amount of evidence inside this underground men’s health report… so you know exactly the serious danger your male hormones are in right now…
Why it can’t be fixed with a proper diet, multivitamin, more sleep or any of the common “solutions” people suggest for boosting testosterone levels…
And how this attack on your manhood is sabotaging your muscle and strength gains… making it impossible to see your six pack… and holding you back in the gym, the bedroom and everywhere else.
Hi— I’m Alain Gonzalez… a fitness author… owner of one of the fastest growing men’s supplement companies in the world… and probably one of the last guys you’d expect to have stumbled across this shocking information.
I discovered it while addressing the most common misconception about testosterone and muscle building that’s causing too many guys to leave tons of gains on the table.
More on that in a minute…
And I know you may be a little skeptical about what you’ve heard so far… and it may sound a little far-fetched or over-the-top… but I promise this information is true and I was just as ticked-off as I know you’re going to be…
Because even though it may sound like some “conspiracy theory”... In a moment I’ll hand over all the proof that shows men are being feminized through slow and humiliating “chemical castration”...
And that it’s a part of a carefully plotted effort to turn alpha guys like us who workout, aren’t afraid to fight back and refuse to settle for the status quo… into little lap-dogs that are happy just to get a pat on the head. Because…
And that’s just flat-out threatening to people.
Not to mention… pharmaceutical companies make billions of dollars per year off guys with “man problems” related to low-testosterone…
And they love to dispense dangerous and synthetic forms of testosterone to desperate guys for a big paycheck… 2
So they’d hate for information like this to get out to the public…
So if you want to naturally pump boundless amounts of testosterone through your veins… pack on slabs of thick, head-turning muscle mass to your physique… crush PRs in the gym on a regular basis… and torch stubborn body fat…
And if you want an unlimited supply of energy to push the weights harder and get that last rep… give her a better time in bed than she’s ever had with another guy… and have the drive to accomplish anything you set your mind to…
While all the other guys you know are leaking testosterone like a tire with a nail in it… and getting weaker, quieter and softer…
Then clear away all the distractions and read this report to the end...
Because not only am I going to show you how…
But I’m also going to reveal 6 of the worst “Testosterone Lowering Factors” that are impacting your T-levels right now…
And why the most common ways to “boost testosterone” don’t do anything to stop these TLFs from infiltrating your manhood and bombarding your balls with dangerous chemicals. Plus…
I’ll show you how to win the battle against TLFs in just 17 seconds each morning…
With an Indian “anabolic orange juice” that’s been shown in studies to boost testosterone levels 434%... and to literally DOUBLE strength and muscle gains in the gym. Plus…
When you keep reading this brand new men’s health report you’ll also learn…
Why it’s critical to ramp up your libido first thing in the morning if you want to dominate the rest of the day… and how to do it while your partner’s sound asleep, knocked-out from the dizzying sex you had the night before…
A mysterious ancient spice used in Japanese Gin & Tonic that’ll give you a massive muscle pump during your workouts… and tons of energy to lift heavier weight for more reps…
And a “vegetable steroid loophole” that Russian athletes secretly used to become an Olympic powerhouse… that’s more potent than banned steroids in sports… but hasn’t been blacklisted and is perfectly safe and legal.
So like I said before, I’m Alain Gonzalez…
Author of Bulk Up Fast and owner of Muscle Monsters…
One of the fastest growing men’s fitness companies in the world…
And head trainer of our thriving YouTube channel that has over 300k subscribers and counting. And…
You won’t feel a real difference during your workouts… or see big results in the mirror… or get noticeably stronger in your lifts. And basically— boosting testosterone is just a waste of time as long as your numbers are “good.”
Or that if you want to see a difference from higher testosterone levels… you need to go on anabolic steroids or get testosterone shots or something like that.
But here’s why that’s a load of bull…
Because a brand new study conducted in March 2020 from Tel Aviv University in Israel… discovered the “normal” range for testosterone levels in men today… would have been considered “Low-T” 30-years ago. 3 4
And this chronic drop in male testosterone levels that affects every man reading this…
Is the direct result of six “testosterone lowering factors” that I’ll tell you about in a minute…
That are slowly and silently “castrating” men by blocking testosterone production…
And turning guys who would normally be muscular, strong and brimming with self-confidence… into skinny-fat, soy-boys who are fine being everyone’s doormat.
But before I get into what these six testosterone-sucking vampires are… let me quickly remind you what testosterone is and why you need more of it.
Testosterone is the master male hormone that helps you build muscle… burn belly fat… get stronger… feel energized… and just perform better from top to bottom. 5 6
And despite what a lot of guys want to say about it… and how increasing testosterone levels will do “very little” for your physique and performance in the gym…
Studies show the OPPOSITE is true. In fact— an overwhelming amount of research confirms guys with higher testosterone levels…
So yeah— boosting testosterone isn’t “overhyped” like some guys think it is. And that’s just the training end of things…
Studies also show testosterone plays a major role in sex drive and bedroom performance… beard and hair growth… supports heart and bone health… boosts confidence… and helps prevent injury. 15
I left the scientific reference numbers next to each claim… so you can fact check me if you want. But the point is all those guys who say boosting testosterone levels won’t do much… are just flat-out wrong.
And the good news is you can naturally skyrocket T-production in just seconds per day…
I’ll reveal exactly what it is in a minute. But just to be clear. I’m NOT talking about any kind of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or steroid injections or anything like that. In fact…
Getting a prescription from your doctor for testosterone pills, creams or injections… is the worst thing you can do for your natural testosterone production…
Because when you use these synthetic forms of testosterone…
Your brain and your balls forget how to make it on their own. And it’s likely…
That’s exactly what the greedy pigs at Big Pharma designed to happen.
They want you to use some kind of doctor-prescribed testosterone replacement therapy… because you’ll NEVER be able to get off it. And again…
That’s because the most important organs that produce testosterone will forget how to do it on their own without the help of these drugs…
And this way you’ll become Big Pharma’s lifelong cash cow with two choices— either no testosterone or no money.
Now after doing some research I’ve found there IS a loophole to get out of that mess…
So if for some reason you’re on TRT right now… you’re not a lost cause. But you do need to retrain your balls to produce testosterone without any help…
And the solution I’ll share with you on this page can help you reboot your natural testosterone production. But before I tell you exactly what the solution is…
And how it’ll help any guy from any walk of life skyrocket your natural T-levels and get all the perks reserved for guys with high testosterone…
You need to come to grips with the facts. And the fact is…
And I’m going to show you in a minute why it seems like everything in the world is against men having healthy testosterone levels…
How male testosterone has been violently assaulted since ancient times…
And how modern society has discovered new ways to silently castrate the male population so that our average testosterone levels are only a tiny fraction of what they were 30-years ago. Honestly…
I wouldn’t be surprised if Big Pharma was in bed with certain companies that create products and pesticides notorious for lowering T-levels in the scientific community.
Their only mistake was thinking that normal guys like us wouldn’t do any research on it and discover the dark secret behind it all… and refuse to let society tame us… and turn us into Little Bo Peep’s sheep instead of the muscle-bound alpha males we were created to be.
Their secret lies in something called “Testosterone Lowering Factors”... or “TLFs” for short…
TLFs are any chemical, hormone or product that lowers testosterone levels. And I’ll give you a list of the 6 worst TLFs in a minute that are impacting your testosterone levels on a daily, likely even an hourly basis. As a result…
So if you sometimes feel like it takes forever to see the strength gains you want in the gym…
Maybe your bench press isn’t going up as quickly as you’d like… or your deadlift is stuck at a certain weight and you aren’t seeing bursts of power when you get under a heavy barbell or set of dumbbells…
Or if your physique is softer than you’d like it to be…
And no amount of weight training or cardio seems to shake off that final layer of belly fat covering your abs…
Or you’ve always been a hard-gainer…
And it feels like you have to work twice as hard to see the kinds of changes in the mirror that other guys get with ease… and your pecs, biceps, traps, legs and every other muscle group just don’t have the kind of sheer mass that you desire…
It’s likely that once you correct your testosterone levels… by rising above the TLFs that are hitting the brake pedal on your well deserved gains…
You’ll notice an almost literal explosion of muscle growth… dynamite fat loss… and beastly strength gains… that really make a difference to how you look and feel. Because fact is…
You were created to have huge amounts of testosterone pulsing through your veins...
Other guys will be impressed with the kind of weight you’re lifting…
Admire your massive pump and muscle-bound physique from afar…
Gym hotties won’t be able to keep from staring with desire. And their primal urges will go haywire… because they can almost smell the testosterone pumping through you… which is NOT common in guys today.
But as long as you keep letting TLFs wreak havoc on your testosterone levels…
You’ll just never get to where you want to be in the gym… or the bedroom… or anywhere else. Because testosterone really is the “skeleton key” hormone for men that unlocks all the doors to a better physique and a happier life.
And if you don’t do anything to fight back against invading TLFs starting right now today…
It’s only going to get worse.
And soon you’ll feel like a 28-year old trapped in an 88-year old’s body… (if you don’t feel that way already)...
Your energy levels will dip lower and lower until you’re not as productive as you want to be…
You’ll have little motivation to hit the gym… feel down in the dumps for no good reason… your libido will come to a screeching halt…
Which won’t only lead to humiliating “man problems” in the bedroom… but libido is crucial for staying at the top of your game…
Because it’s like this hidden primal motivator that keeps men ambitious, hard-working and chasing after your goals. But without it…
I wouldn’t wish that kind of fate on even my worst enemy. But like I said before… that’s likely exactly where Big Pharma and today’s “feminist” society wants you to be. See…
As far back as 1300 BC in ancient China… lowering testosterone levels has been used as a “power play” by barbaric kings, slave owners, and wealthy dominatrix women…
To tame men who were once pulsing with raging bull-like testosterone.
These gruesome societal leaders would literally cut the balls off men… which is where 95% of testosterone is made… and physically and psychologically turn them into weak, civilized and broken wimps with almost nothing to live for. 18
Now of course that wouldn’t fly today in developed countries…
So instead of literal castration…
The dark underbelly of corrupt pharmaceutical systems and political agendas has created a loophole…
A way to slowly and silently castrate men without us even realizing it… keeping our balls in-tact, but killing the testosterone hormones inside of them.
You are surrounded by testosterone-lowering chemicals right now. You probably ingested some this morning. Rubbed them on your face… in your hair… on your “manhood” in the shower…
And these toxins are causing the “chemical castration” that I’ve been talking about throughout this report.
These chemicals contain anabolic poisons called “xenoestrogens.” And according to a 2018 study published in the Critical Review of Food Science in Nutrition… “xenoestrogens are widely diffused in the environment and in food.” 19
These toxins increase estrogen levels in men… which drops testosterone levels as a result… literally making men more feminine and less masculine. 20
The worst part is they’re everywhere.
Studies show they’re hidden in plastic bags and containers… air fresheners… body wash and shampoo… bottled water… cash register receipts… canned foods… chewing gum… cologne… laundry detergent… shaving cream or gel… sunscreen… toothpaste… toilet paper… and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. 21 22 23 24 25
The fruits, vegetables, and grains that you eat to try and stay healthy are swimming in hormone-disrupting chemicals before they make it to the produce aisle…
And these pesticides have been shown in studies to cause severe chemical castration.
In one study from the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, researchers tested 37 widely used pesticides to see if any of them had any negative effect on testosterone levels…
And out of the 37 chemicals tested… 30 were shown to lower testosterone… and as a result of the study, the researchers discovered 16 other testosterone lowering pesticides that were hidden in plain sight. 26
And in one study from the University of California Davis… which is one of the top medical universities in the world…
91% of subjects had a certain pesticide called chlorpyrifos in their body… which has been shown in studies to directly lower testosterone levels… meaning the longer someone is exposed to it, the lower their testosterone levels will be. 27 28
What’s even worse is that on top of the fruits and vegetables you eat being sprayed with estrogenic pesticides…
Studies also show that unless you get your meat straight from the source… it’s likely that the chicken, beef, eggs and lunch meat you consume have been fed with estrogenic feed… 29
Meaning even when you think you’re eating a manly steak or ribs or anything from the farm… you’re likely also consuming trace amounts of estrogen that are silently flipping your testosterone levels upside-down…
And this is mostly a problem in the United States… as there is almost no estrogen found in Japanese beef or Brazilian chicken. 30
Micronutrient deficiencies are the pandemic that nobody talks about…
And it’s no coincidence… because it’s such an easy fix for testosterone levels that if the public were to find out about it… no guy would listen to the bull crap from pharmaceutical companies about testosterone replacement therapy or anything like that anymore…
And that would leave a massive hole in their bank accounts…
But on top of the lack of awareness about micronutrient deficiencies… and the problem I stated above… that testosterone-lowering pesticides are being sprayed on our produce…
Studies show that fruits, vegetables and other once nutrient-dense foods…
Aren’t worth their salt anymore…
Because modern farming techniques have pummeled the soil of their nutrients faster than they can be replenished…
To the point where you’d have to eat 8 oranges to get the same amount of vitamin A your grandpa would have gotten from just 1 orange…
5 apples to get the same amount of vitamin C from 1 apple decades ago…
And 100 carrots to get the same amount of vitamin A you could have gotten from 1 carrot if you lived in your great grandparents’ day. 31 32 33
Micronutrients play a massive role in either directly or indirectly supporting natural testosterone production. And whether you like it or not… you aren’t getting enough micronutrients to support healthy testosterone levels in your diet. 34 35 36 37 38
Stress is the body’s main way of reacting to a challenge…
And in demanding situations your body releases a hormone called cortisol… which makes you more alert and focused so you can rise to the challenge and come out on the other side.
When cortisol is released in short bursts like when you’re under a 225lb bench press… or backing up a buddy in a fight… studies show this cortisol release doesn’t have a negative effect on your testosterone levels.
But when you’re under chronic stress for hours or days at a time…
Maybe because you have a demanding boss that won’t get off your back… student loans to pay off… you sleep less than 6 hours per night… the 24-hour news cycle and all the political unrest or global pandemic makes you anxious…
Or you like to go for an hour jog… or weight train for more than 45-minutes…
Cortisol becomes kryptonite for your testosterone levels.
And when your cortisol levels are chronically elevated due to stress… your testosterone levels are chronically suppressed according to studies. 39 40 41
And it doesn’t help that the foods you eat in the Standard American Diet are packed with so many chemicals that it causes inflammation in the body… which also elevates cortisol levels. 42
According to an article published in Harvard Men’s Health Watch…
A big belly is the single strongest predictor of lower testosterone levels in men.
And having a four-inch increase in waist size boosts a man's odds of having low-T by 75%. 43
The reason belly fat does harm to your testosterone levels is because fat cells contain an enzyme called “aromatase”...
And aromatase is literally a “sex change” hormone…
That converts your testosterone into estrogen… 44
So the bigger your belly is the lower your testosterone levels are going to be… even if you’re in pretty good shape otherwise.
There are many over-the-counter medications and pharmaceutical drugs that lower testosterone levels.
A study from the University of Copenhagen found that young men taking ibuprofen saw a disturbing drop in testosterone… even to the point where it resulted in a condition called “compensated hypogonadism”... which is “common among elderly men and associated with reproductive disorders.” 45
And another study found that when an expecting mother takes Tylenol as therapeutic treatment for a week… it causes a 45% drop in testosterone levels in the fetus of baby boys… at a time when they should be pumping with high amounts of testosterone to help development. 46
One report published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine warned men that statin drugs lower testosterone so much that it can cause erectile dysfunction… 47
And that’s just the short list…
You can also add to it asthma inhalers… antidepressants… allergy medicine… and prescriptions for diabetes. 48 49 50
Because there’s a certain herb... the “most important herb” in the traditional system of natural medicine in India…
That’s been shown in studies to “autocorrect” hormone levels in men… and battle against TLFs to boost testosterone levels. 51
This herb is called ashwagandha…
And in a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition…
57 men between 18-50 years old were given either an ashwagandha supplement or a placebo. Both groups participated in the same weight training regimen for 8 weeks…
But at the end of the study…
They also saw significantly greater increases in strength on the bench press and leg press…
Greater increase in arm size… more than DOUBLE the muscle growth in their chest… they also lost more than twice the amount of belly fat as the placebo group did. 52
Imagine that…
Imagine doing everything exactly as you are right now in the gym…
Same training program. Same diet. Same everything…
And the only change you make is adding ashwagandha to your morning routine… and in the snap of a finger you have 434% higher testosterone… and can double the results you see from your workouts compared to if you were to train without ashwagandha.
That’s pretty amazing…
And if you’re serious about building muscle, shedding body fat and getting the most out of your work in the gym… you won’t pass up on something like that.
This ancient ingredient is so powerfully helpful because it works like a “TLF sensor”...
Meaning it detects hormonal imbalances in the body like having too much estrogen… or your cortisol levels being too high… which are both the result of Testosterone Lowering Factors. And…
For example…
In one study published in the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine… 64 subjects were given either ashwagandha or a placebo supplement to see if this potent eastern herb could lower cortisol levels resulting from high stress…
And the results showed that men given the ashwagandha supplement experienced a significant reduction in cortisol levels… lower self-perceived stress… and a stronger resistance against adversity. 53
As a result, the subjects experienced a testosterone boost… increases in energy and stamina… and even better performance and confidence in the bedroom. 54 55 56
But listen man…
As powerful as ashwagandha is…
It’s only one piece of the puzzle…
Because it doesn’t reverse the effects of all the hundreds of TLFs you’re surrounded by on a daily basis…
So in just a moment I’m going to give you the full gamut of TLF-fighting herbs… that when combined with ashwagandha… can disarm Testosterone Lowering Factors so they can’t hold your anabolic hormones hostage anymore.
But I’m willing to bet you’ve seen at least some results from your training…
Or you’ve been able to perform at least every now and again in bed…
Or your energy levels are pretty good some of the time…
So imagine the night-and-day difference when you actually start paying attention to the most important male hormone in your body.
When you ramp up your body’s natural testosterone production you’re going to FEEL a difference next time you set foot in the gym…
Like a beast that’s finally been let out of the cage…
You’ll push through training plateaus and crush personal records faster than ever before… because until now you’ve never had a natural edge as powerful as this one.
You’ll crank up the intensity of your workouts for bigger gains…
Pack on muscle like clockwork and stack on noticeable amounts of mass week after week…
And be the guy with eye-popping veins… a massive chest… biceps the size of grapefruits… and that coveted marble-stone, V-taper physique that every guy wants but very few ever achieve…
Because you’ll have a cascade of anabolic hormones pumping from head to toe.
For the first time in your adult life… you won’t be held back by Testosterone Lowering Factors…
And can get all the other perks reserved for guys with high-T… like a higher sex drive and more stamina in the bedroom… more energy and drive to get more done… and unshakable confidence to dominate in the gym and everywhere else.
And all it takes is just drinking down a refreshing glass of our natural testosterone boosting formula…
ELITE GREENS is a testosterone-boosting greens formula packed with ingredients proven in hundreds of university-backed clinical trials to help men overcome Testosterone Lowering Factors that have been dragging our testosterone levels through the mud for decades…
And when you overcome these dangerous TLFs in just a few seconds each morning with each sip of our refreshing orange juice flavored anabolic drink… you’ll gain the edge you’ve been chasing after... build muscle faster… push the weights harder… shed stubborn belly fat in half the time it takes other guys…
And see the results you desire and deserve faster than you ever could through just training alone.
Now I get it…
You might think that all the testosterone boosting supplements you can get at GNC or some other supplement shop aren’t worth jack… and I agree with you… most of them aren’t…
But ELITE GREENS isn’t a run-of-the-mill T-booster that uses weak ingredients or ineffective dosages.
Our formula contains nature’s most powerful ingredients for lowering TLFs. And is…
I already told you about ashwagandha… and how it naturally boosts testosterone levels 434% when paired with a training program… and can lead to double the gains simply by taking it every morning…
And that alone is reason to get excited about ELITE GREENS…
Because I don’t know any guy who’s serious about taking his performance in the gym to the next level who wouldn’t happily double his gains just by adding this testosterone-boosting ingredient to their morning routine.
But we wanted to make ELITE GREENS something truly special.
So we didn’t stop at ashwagandha…
We added five more ingredients shown in studies to lower TLFs to give you a testosterone-advantage that other guys know nothing about… and give you an edge in the gym, the bedroom and everywhere else.
So the next ingredient we added into our testosterone-boosting greens formula is…
This superfood ingredient is spirulina… and some scientists call it “the food of the future” because of how powerfully it boosts energy levels and supports hormonal balance… 58
And this ingredient is crucial for battling back against Testosterone Lowering Factors…
Because a study from Ohio State University discovered spirulina is a potent “aromatase inhibitor”. 59
Remember that aromatase is the enzyme that converts your testosterone into estrogen… so even if you have normal levels of testosterone… if you have aromatase in your bloodstream… that testosterone is going to convert into the feminine hormone estrogen… which leads to belly fat, man boobs, fatigue and even bedroom troubles for men.
Yet by lowering the effects of TLFs and blocking aromatase…
Spirulina has been shown in studies to ramp up gym performance.
In a study published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise…
Moderately trained men were given either a spirulina supplement or placebo for 4 weeks…
Each subject ran on a treadmill for two hours at a jog… and then at a full out sprint right after. The researchers tested to see how long the men could sprint before they reached the point of exhaustion.
The men given the spirulina supplement were able to sprint significantly longer than the placebo group… and increased fat burning 11% higher than the placebo group too… leading to a “significant increase in exercise performance.” 60
Next up we added a “super vegetable”…
At a time when they were known for dominating strength sports. In fact— researchers dubbed this ingredient the “Russian secret” for how they were able to get bigger, stronger and faster than everyone else.
The ingredient is spinach powder. Now…
I know that may sound shocking…
But recently scientists have discovered a certain compound inside spinach powder called ecdysterone…
Which is a “phyto-steroid” that naturally occurs in plants… and this ingredient keeps you “anabolic” or in “muscle building mode” as long as it’s in your system. 61
The groundbreaking study on this ingredient was published in 2019…
Where researchers divided a group of men into two groups…
One was given the spinach powder extract and the other was given a placebo.
After 10 weeks— the guys given spinach powder extract experienced “significantly higher increases in muscle mass and in one-repetition bench press performance.” They also…
In their own words— the researchers were “baffled” that the effect was so strong. Plus…
Spinach powder extract has been shown in studies to help flush excess estrogen out of the body…
Meaning you’ll have a strong defense against the estrogenic chemicals inside plastics, pesticides and other testosterone-lowering xenoestrogens you’re exposed to on an hourly basis. 63
Now just in case you’re wondering…
The amount of spinach you’d have to eat each day to get this natural steroid effect would be impossible to stomach. Plus, I don’t know why any guy would choose bowls of spinach over a spinach powder that gets the job done in seconds.
So here’s the deal…
If we were to stop there…
ELITE GREENS would already be a powerful formula to combat TLFs… boost testosterone levels… and skyrocket muscle growth and strength… accelerate fat loss… and more…
But we wanted to make ELITE GREENS the best possible formula you can drink each morning to dominate the day ahead…
So next up after spinach powder extract…
It’s called angelica sinensis extract. Like I mentioned earlier…
Stress from food and other environmental and personal factors is one of the top TLFs that men wrestle with today….
And it wreaks havoc on your important muscle-building hormones. In fact…
But studies show that angelica sinensis extract helps the body respond better to stress… reduces inflammation in the gut that causes widespread cortisol release… and helps to naturally elevate testosterone as a result. 66 67
And after that we added the “super-mushroom”— reishi mushroom…
That’s been called the “herb of spiritual potency”... symbolizing success, divine power and longevity in eastern cultures… 68
That’s also been shown in studies to help the body respond better to stress…
While at the same time block the creation of new fat cells so you can maintain a healthy body fat percentage to boost testosterone levels. 69 70
It’s also been shown to increase HDL “good” cholesterol levels… which is necessary for testosterone production. 71 72 73
And last but not least…
The final ingredient we added into our ELITE GREENS formula is maca. Now…
Maca doesn’t increase testosterone levels… but it’ll increase your performance in the gym in a different way… by ramping up your libido. 74
Like I mentioned earlier… libido is a “hidden motivator” for men that drives us to reach our max potential. In fact…
Pretty crazy, right? Well maca works in the same way…
And ramps up your libido to help you perform like a beast in the gym and an animal in the bedroom.
In a study from the School of Psychology and Sport Sciences…
Researchers studied the effects of maca supplementation or a placebo on male cyclists… testing for endurance performance while they trained and sexual desire throughout the day…
And found that maca supplementation significantly improved 40km cycling time compared to the baseline test…
And significantly improved self-rated sexual desire compared to the baseline test and placebo group... 76
Making maca a powerful ingredient to break through performance barriers and achieve your max potential in the gym and in the bedroom too. 77
All you have to do is scoop one serving of ELITE GREENS into a shaker bottle or glass with water…
Shake or stir our easy-to-mix formula until it’s smooth…
Drink up…
And the ingredients inside ELITE GREENS will go to work right away to support testosterone… muscle building… energy… drive… and everything else you need to stay at the top of your game all day long.
The whole process takes about 17-seconds…
And I promise— you’re going to love the natural orange flavor so much… that you’ll hate when you get down to the final drop and have to wait until tomorrow for your next glass.
But listen closely…
You need to act fast…
Because bottles of ELITE GREENS are already flying off the shelves at our warehouse and supplies are limited. And I’m not surprised at all by that…
Because most guys are pissed as hell after learning their testosterone levels are under attack. So they’re taking action.
And if you care even a little bit about your manhood and performance then you should too.
So if you want to…
Because I want you to experience all of that and more…
Which is why I’ve gone above and beyond to get the price for ELITE GREENS as low as possible. Listen man…
Creating a formula like this… with ingredients from the other side of the world… isn’t cheap or easy to do.
As the owner of Muscle Monsters…
I have the unique privilege of being able to release supplements to the public…
So after learning about Testosterone Lowering Factors… and the natural ingredients shown in studies to reverse them…
My conviction was— if I’m not gonna step up to the plate… and release a supplement that blunts the effects of TLFs… then who will?
So I made it my mission to put this formula together to help you and as many other guys as possible reclaim your testosterone levels and finally start making gains on your terms… without TLFs constantly dragging your most important muscle building hormones through the mud.
So here’s the deal…
If you were to try and purchase these ingredients separately in a bunch of different supplements it would cost you more than $100 per month to make it happen. And even then you run the risk of getting the ingredients in less than effective dosages.
But you won’t pay anywhere near that today when you claim your bottles of ELITE GREENS… because I talked down the price with our manufacturers so that it doesn’t stand in the way of you making the best decision. Now…
Normally, our formula retails at $77 per bottle…
But on this page only and while supplies last… you can claim 1 bottle of ELITE GREENS for just $69.
But it gets even better when you stock up on more bottles today.
Because most of the studies I’ve shared with you in this report were between 8-16 weeks long. So…
And that’s not some marketing ploy to get you to buy more bottles. It’s the un-biased scientific truth.
So I want to reward guys who take that into consideration… and make the best decision to stock up on more than just 1 bottle of ELITE GREENS today.
When you purchase 3 bottles of ELITE GREENS on this page and while supplies last… you’ll get all 3 bottles for just $59 per bottle.
And if you want to make the best decision today… and stock up on 6 bottles of ELITE GREENS…
You’ll get all 6 bottles for just $49 per bottle.
Which is a whopping 36% off the per bottle price.
So I guess you could say that smart guys buy more…
Because the guys who stock up on ELITE GREENS and drink one refreshing glass of this testosterone-boosting orange juice as a part of their daily morning ritual…
Will gain an advantage to help pack on muscle faster…
See noticeable changes to their physique like clockwork…
Feel stronger and more energized in the gym…
And stay at the top of their game in every area of life.
So if that sounds like something you want then the 6 bottle option is the way to go…
Because you’ll see the absolute best results and you’ll save the most amount of money.
So don’t wait any longer…
After you choose the bottle amount of ELITE GREENS that you’d like…
Click the “Add To Cart” button…
After that you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you can complete your order…
Once you complete that page we’ll get your bottles of ELITE GREENS in the mail right away and your supply will arrive just 3-5 business days from now.
And listen...
I know making a decision to try something new like this is a big one…
So to help you make your decision today… I’ll also back up your supply with our Ironclad 365-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.
I’m so excited for you to experience the powerful testosterone, energy and performance boosting effects of ELITE GREENS…
That I want to make it as easy as possible for you to try it out risk-free.
So when you order your supply of ELITE GREENS right now, today…
I’ll back-up your purchase with our 365-day 100% money back guarantee.
If you’re not totally satisfied with the results you get from ELITE GREENS…
And you don’t experience noticeably higher testosterone levels that you can feel…
More energy in the gym and in the bedroom…
Faster gains…
And if you don’t ratchet-up your performance in every area of life after drinking a cool glass of this “elite orange juice” every morning…
Then all you have to do is send us an email and let us know… and we’ll refund your money.
No questions asked. No hassles. You won’t even have to return the bottles like most companies make you do before you get your money back.
We’ve gone above and beyond to take all the risk off your shoulders so once your order is complete you can feel great on your end… because you’re going to try out your supply of ELITE GREENS for a full year on us.
With that said…
I doubt you’ll want a refund.
The ingredients in our formula have been used successfully for thousands of years on the other side of the world… and proven in clinical studies… to support testosterone… muscle building… energy… motivation… and everything else you need to stay at the top of your game.
Alright so we’re getting to the end of this men’s health report…
You can ignore everything you’ve learned today about Testosterone Lowering Factors…
And how they’ve made “normal” testosterone levels in men lower than ever before… and there’s no way for you to escape TLFs because they’re literally everywhere…
Not to mention some Testosterone Lowering Factors like chronic stress… and sleepless nights… aren’t always totally in your control. And unfortunately severely blunts testosterone too.
You can forget about the easiest way to beat TLFs…
And how it can be as simple as chugging down one delicious serving of ELITE GREENS each morning… packed with potent, natural T-boosting herbs and nutrient-dense compounds proven to help win the battle against TLFs…
And as a result you’ll have an easier time building head-turning muscle like clockwork… shed stubborn fat and show off a ripped midsection with less effort… crush PRs on your bench, squat, deadlift and every other exercise… have tons more energy to perform at the top of your game…
Not to mention all the other “perks” like a higher sex drive… better focus… faster muscle recovery after workouts… and the confidence reserved only for guys with higher-T. In other words…
So this is your opportunity to be one of the few men who are proud to have testosterone pumping through your veins…
Unwilling to sit back and let chemicals and plastics and all the other TLFs out there silently castrate you until you’re just a fraction of the man you could be in the gym, the bedroom and everywhere else.
This is your chance to actually see the kinds of gains you desire and deserve…
Because with every delicious serving of ELITE GREENS, you’ll keep your testosterone firing on all cylinders… so you can be a beast in the gym and an animal in the bedroom…
While all the other guys… who are victimized daily by TFLs without knowing it… are looking on and wondering what your secret is.
But if you choose not to take action today…
Then there’s no hard feelings, man. And I wish you all the best.
Because at the end of the day your decision has nothing to do with me at all.
Taking control of the results you see during your workouts and in the mirror…
Getting an edge most guys would crawl over broken glass for…
And reaching your max potential as a man who’s pumping with true, healthy testosterone levels instead of the puny T-levels that society and science wants to convince you are “the new normal.”
So if you’re fine with settling for less than your best… more power to you. I couldn’t do it. But if that’s a decision you think you can live with, then good luck.
But with that said… I have no clue why you’d take that path when all it takes is a single scoop of ELITE GREENS each morning to get all the perks of being a guy with high-T.
Seriously man…
Why settle for slow-go strength gains instead of crushing PRs everytime you set foot in the weight room?
Why keep battling belly fat and feeling “okay” about your physique instead of melting away body fat and building muscle faster and showing off an imposing, muscle-bound, fit physique that catches attention everywhere you go?
Why make a choice that’ll leave you kicking yourself next time you hit the gym knowing that you don’t have the noticeable edge you deserve?
Especially when you have a chance to claim your supply of ELITE GREENS for huge savings and 100% risk-free?
Then I strongly urge you to take the second path… the smarter path…
Which is to man-up and claim your bottles of ELITE GREENS while we’re still in stock for this incredible discount…
Because we will run out soon….
And when that happens it’ll be another 4-6 weeks before we get another supply in.
So go ahead and do that now.
Select the amount of bottles of ELITE GREENS you’d like below…
Whether that’s the 6 bottle option… 3 bottle option… or whichever option works best for you…
Click the “Add To Cart” button.
Fill out the secure checkout form on the following page…
And we’ll send your bottles of ELITE GREENS to you right away…
So they arrive within 3-5 business days… and you can boost and protect your testosterone for maximum muscle and strength gains… tons of energy… and better performance from top to bottom with just one refreshing glass each morning.
You’ll be so glad you did.
ELITE GREENS is for guys who want to boost testosterone, energy and overall performance at the gym, the office, in the bedroom and everywhere else.
If you want to be a high-performing man who can get the job done in every area of life… just drink one glass of ELITE GREENS in the morning and you’ll unlock an edge that lasts all day.
There are a lot of greens supplements out there. Problem is 99% of them contain ingredients that increase estrogen levels… which lowers testosterone, energy and male performance.
Plus a lot of greens supplements taste like grass.
But ELITE GREENS is formulated using ingredients proven in studies to reverse Testosterone Lowering Factors that interfere with having healthy T-levels… while at the same time boosting overall energy and performance.
It’s also made with a natural and refreshing orange flavor so each sip is like drinking a cool glass of orange juice to start your day.
The ingredients inside ELITE GREENS are…
5g spirulina
2g reishi mushroom
1g 4:1 angelica sinensis extract
1g maca
1g spinach powder
500mg ashwagandha
Definitely. In fact I recommend you do that because studies show the ingredients work better when you take them consistently.
So whether it’s a training day or an “off” day… never skip your morning glass of ELITE GREENS.
Yes. When you stock up on bottles of ELITE GREENS right now on this page…
Your supply is backed up with our Ironclad 365-day 100% money back guarantee.
Meaning if for any reason ELITE GREENS doesn’t give you a noticeable boost in testosterone, energy and overall performance… just send us an email to let us know and you’ll get your money back.
When you order your supply of ELITE GREENS today, you can expect your bottles to arrive in the mail 3-5 business days from now.
Just select the amount of bottles you’d like us to send you…
Click the “Add To Cart” button…
Complete the secure checkout form on the following page…
And your bottles of ELITE GREENS will arrive at your door in 3-5 business days.
So go ahead and do that now while this limited-time discount is still available and while we still have bottles in stock.